Pipe Weight Calculation is a very important parameter in piping engineering. Pipe weight is directly related to its thickness (Pipe Schedule). The more the pipe thickness or pipe schedule the more is the pipe weight. The more the pipe weight, the more will be its rigidity and less flexibility. More pipe weight means more cost of procurement. More pipe weights adds more loads on the pipe supports requiring more robust structural member requirements. So, we can say pipe weight is related to overall plant cost in some way. In this article, we will explore the pipe weight calculation methodologies. Please hit on stainless steel pipe weight calculator to check more about our services.
Pipe Weight Calculation Formula
To calculate mass of any object we can use the following formula
Mass (M)= Density (D) X Volume (V) …(eqn. 1)
Pipe weight is also calculated using the same equation. Pipe weight is normally expressed in Pipe Weight per meter of length or Pipe Weight per foot of length. Also, there are two other terms associated with pipe weight calculation. These are
Empty Pipe Weight Calculation and
Water filled Pipe Weight Calculation.
Empty Pipe Weight Calculation
Empty pipe weight means pipe weight without any content inside it. So, it is the weight of the metal present in the pipe. Refer to Fig. 1 below: